A little bit about me

Hi, I’m Lisa!

I’m a degree-qualified clinical naturopath and Bowen Therapist. I’m a bit of a health nerd and love keeping up to date with the latest research.

I also deeply respect traditional healing wisdom and incorporate that into my practice. I believe herbs are on this planet to help us and I see evidence of this every day.

I am a feminist and believe it’s about time that women’s health was valued, prioritised and researched more! And women’s health isn’t just about what a bikini covers! There are other really important bits too!!

I’m also a mumma who loves walking the dog, yoga, and dancing in the kitchen with my little girl.

From my teenage years, I knew I would one day work in natural health as I studied aromatherapy books and became a guinea pig for various concoctions! Natural remedies are powerful and effective. It just takes the knowledge and expertise to match the right remedy with the person.

My practice is person-centered, not disease-centric. I take into account everything that makes up you. Your constitution, your history, your lifestyle and diet preferences. I like to meld the latest scientific literature with traditional wisdom to formulate remedies and a treatment plan that is specific to you.


And I live in the real world (not Insta-world, sitting on a beach drinking green smoothies with perfect hair, though that would be nice!). I understand fatigue and exhaustion – I’m a solo mumma with a chronic health condition. I know that sometimes you just have to make the best choice from ‘not-the-best’ options and there is more to health than diet and exercise. My motto is “Progress Over Perfection”!

I look forward to working with you.


Lisa xx

Got a question? Book a Discovery Call!

Have any questions? Email me directly at lisa@lisaeastley.com