
The Magic of Garden Herbs $37

Know, understand and heal with the plant medicine that can be found in your garden or easily grown in containers.

This workshop will provide you will a depth of understanding that will allow you to confidently use the herbs in your daily life.


Wonderful Winter Workshop $35

Use the colder, darker days to help you heal on a deep cellular level, improve your immunity, reset your metabolism and feel nourished.

Let me show you how!


Herbal Magic Circle 

A ‘learn at your own pace’ course where you will be invited to learn all about one herb and then work with that herb throughout the month.

Learn about the energetics, actions, how to use it and build a deep knowledge and connection with the herb.

To be released mid 2024.


The First Step to Hormonal Balance 

Join Lisa the Naturopath for a FREE workshop where you’ll learn the first crucial step to getting your hormones balanced. 


If you’re not sure which option is best for you, book in for a free 2o minute discovery call!