Energy Leaks

You’re filling up a bucket with water but the water never gets to the top! What do you do? You look for the leak!

It’s the same with us – we think we are doing what we can to feel vital and full of energy but we never feel as good as we should – our energy is leaking somewhere.

But where?

Honestly, it could be soooooo many things, so here’s a bit of a guide to help your inventory:

Physical Leaks

  • Are you sleeping well? That means waking just before your alarm and feeling refreshed.
  • Are you eating something that you are intolerant to? This can be a massive energy drain.
  • Is your thyroid functioning optimally? 
  • Are you operating in a stressed state for most of the day?

Nervous System Leaks

  • Are you often in sympathetic mode, or fight or flight mode? 
  • Do you spend time in parasympathetic mode – or rest and digest? Particularly when you are eating and in the evenings before bed? Or do you run around all day, on the go, until you collapse into bed at night?

Emotional Leaks

Are you a container for suppressed emotions? Anger, grief, sorrow, irritation? Or even unexpressed happiness and joy? It takes a lot of energy to keep the lid on emotions. 

Now, I’m not suggesting that you turn into the Hulk and rage at your family or friends or retail staff, but to plug this energy leak, you’re going to need to find a way to give some expression or even just some acknowledgement to these emotions.

Mental Leaks

  • Do you have looping or worrying thoughts often?
  • Do you have anxiety, or feel anxious a lot?
  • Do you have low moods or depression?
  • Do you have a tonne of mental lists or things you are keeping track of mentally?


These are just ideas to get you thinking…where are your leaks? 

The next step is figuring out how to plug them!

If you’d like some help, book in here